Tag Archives: thought-leader

Content: Web Marketing’s Holy Grail?

16 Oct

An effective website should be the primary tool in your overall digital marketing plan. It must be a brand-consistent portal that attracts patients, differentiates your practice, and enhances your reputation. As such, the primary method of conveying these objectives to prospective (and current) customers is via content. But, make no mistake; this should not be “copy” as we are conditioned to call it after years of being exposed to hokey TV advertising dramas.

No, today’s marketing is all about content. It’s simple (the distinction, not the actual content), reflecting on the two terms. Copy refers to the words that fill a brochure or traditional marketing component – and even found on your website – in the areas of About Us, Directions, Hours, Contact Us, and the like. Content on the other hand is all about the consumers’ needs. This is the information people search for, it’s the reason they are looking for your products, services, and solutions.

content marketingAll consumers research via the web today. No matter what age they are, or what services they are seeking. This makes content a critical component of your online (digital marketing) program. You need to anticipate what they will be looking for, and provide it. Right away, as in today… and with frequency too, because Google (all of the search engines) reward websites that stay current and add new material actively.

How will you decide what to write? Simple, just ask yourself, and your staff:  what questions do we get from new/prospective patients? (Do the same for your existing patients too) Think about how you respond to those questions, and then write material to do the same thing for you for those folks who you have not met yet. Use the same “voice” or tone as you would in conversation – it will carry over and represent you more accurately than a formal thesis or clinical summary.

Still stuck for ideas?

Here are three types of content we typically create for websites:

News Roundup

The news roundup uses curated content to gain the attention of specific prospects. Gather two to four pieces of current information on a theme and bring them together in a single posting that summarizes the topic and offers a connection with your practice’s perspective.

Repurposed Content

This is content that has appeared on another site (manufacturer, supplier, partner, industry news, etc.) that you may link back to in order to bring relevant material to your audience. It may highlight a subject matter expert’s work or rely on another’s reputation as an industry thought leader. To respect copyright, we always link to the original site. Regardless, the service you are doing for your audience is to have already conducted a search, found the most relevant information, and brought it forward for their attention. It establishes your practice as current, knowledgeable, and focused.

Subject Matter Expert Interview

This is exclusive content created from an interview with a subject matter expert (most likely you, or others on your team) for their perspective on a relevant topic. It provides a platform for credibility and professionalism, as well as lets you determine the exact amount and direction of the discussion. Content can be formatted in several ways: a written Q&A, a one-on-one interview, a panel discussion, a podcast, video interview, etc. (keeping in mind that content is not limited to just text – it will also include images and video).

What Is Public Relations and Why Should I Implement It Into My Marketing Plan?

29 Mar

What Can Public Relations Do For Me?

A strong and effective public relations plan can build your practice’s reputation and position you in the best light with your community/target audience. With a competitive market especially in the hearing device industry, you need to determine strategies to stand out among your competitors. Incorporating public relations into your marketing plan increases awareness and highlights why your hearing healthcare services are the best.

Successful Public Relations is the development and telling of a good “story.” You may be curious as to how you can turn industry news or clinical information into a compelling story? The key is finding the hook.

For example:

Oticon recently unveiled its new Alta hearing device. Ask yourself:

  • How can this hearing aid make a difference in the lives of my current and prospective customers?
  • What new technologies does it feature?
  • How can it improve the quality of life for customers?

 The stronger you develop the “story,” the greater the acceptance by the media and public, which will add to the success of your public relations strategy.

 Positioning Yourself as an Industry Expert

The importance of integrating public relations into your overall marketing strategy continues to evolve. According to The Fall of Advertising and the Rise of PR (Harper Business) – American marketing strategists argue that public relations has become the most effective way to build a brand. Business owners, like you, become known in their respective fields of concentration through public relations and the associated media generated.  Therefore, integrating a public relations strategy into your overall business plan will help solidify you as an industry leader while bringing focus to your individual services.

 Explore the Benefits of PR

Public Relations, if done right, can reach a large audience without the traditional expense associated with advertising and marketing. A few of the significant public relations benefits include the following:

  • An economical way to reach your target audience in masses
  • The awareness of, and the demand for, your company’s products or services
  • Strengthening your company image and perception
  • Painting the picture of a company that is active and innovative
  • Creating additional credibility within your community
  • Giving you an advantage over competitors that are not utilizing PR effectively
  • Increasing online visibility, when integrated into your digital marketing strategy

 If PR is not a part of your marketing plan currently, it may be time to consider implementing a public relations campaign to complement your existing initiatives. PR is an influential and cost-effective way to reach key audiences and influencers. PR focuses on promoting your company, establishing your business’ identity, and maintaining credibility – all with the end result of building an engaged and happy customer base!

 For additional information on getting a PR campaign started, please check out our other PR blog post here: Public Relations: Beyond the Parties & On a Budget or contact Kelly Donahue at kdonahue@AHAAnet.com to explore AHAA’s PR archives and ‘How Tos.’

Conferences, Tradeshows and Seminars:Maximizing Your Value

21 Mar

Each year, across every industry, there are numerous tradeshows, conferences, seminars and meetings that can help you run your business.  When you attend an event related to your area of expertise, you get opportunities to communicate with nationally known leaders of your profession; meet colleagues you recognize by reputation, through industry articles and case studies; and often, by accessing a new environment, you feel energized, reconnected and ready to implement change.  But once you determine which events to attend, based on your goals and objectives, how do you maximize your time at each?

Before you arrive, make sure you prepare yourself to get the most value from your experience:

One: Read the agenda and select the sessions that will be most likely to improve your skills and help you “stretch” beyond your comfort zone by dabbling in topics you have not yet mastered.

Two: Seek out a professional colleague to become your event buddy; so you can share and discuss what you’ve learned. Collaboration brings special benefits when you talk about presentations that only one of you attended.

Three: Stay for the entire event. You never know what good information you might miss by   arriving late or leaving early.

Four: Stay at the event’s designated hotel. You need to be where you can network most effectively and where you can use your time wisely; i.e. don’t spend a half hour in a cab or shuttle every morning and evening and miss portions of the event.

Five: Become an active participant, asking questions and making comments. The more you put into any event, the more you will get out of it.

BONUS: Seek out and meet those who served on the event planning committee. They deserve your feedback – positive or negative. And when you thank them, you will definitely stand out as one of the few who did.

Also: The trade-show portion of any conference provides extraordinary value.  Not only is it an excellent opportunity to save money on “Show Specials,” but visiting the booths and vendors is also invaluable.  Prepare for this part of any event by checking with your staff and bringing their questions with you.  Have the vendors address everything on your list and find out what’s new/what can benefit your business.  Remember, your vendors want to work with you to succeed.

Plan ahead for next year and consider registering for AHAA’s Convention, February 19-22, 2014 in Dallas, TX.  Register now and be entered to win prizes in our early registration program.  Click here to register today!

AHAA Associates at Convention in Las Vegas

AHAA Associates at Convention in Las Vegas